Monday, January 24, 2011

Teenage Dreams (not done yet)

Mind of Teenager
  1. Index

    This website would be about what average teenagers thinking about in life.
    Having trouble with your teenagers?
    Don’t you sometimes wish you knew what's in their mind? MOST teens have similar thoughts toward life in general. This website is created because I want to let adults know what’s in our mind and let them know there is no point pushing us because life has been complicated and we aren’t in the same generation as them anymore.

    I have a very traditional Asian father, so my teen life is pretty much always under lots pressure. I know better what I should do or what I shouldn’t do, but my father is still afraid I will end up in the wrong path. My personalities are similar to his; therefore, he worries the most about what friends will have influences on me Sometimes, I get very frustrated by how he still has an 'old school' mindset, while I am now in the 21st century.

    1. Under the Influence

    Alcohol- even though America’s law on alcohol says one has to be 21 years old or older to drink, but truth be told, people have been drinking as young as the age of 16 years old. High school parties involve alcohol, freshmen college parties involve more alcohols, and pretty much 90% of the parties involve alcohols. Teenagers think alcohol makes them cool. They think that it gives them a reason to do stupid things because they are wasted. What they don’t have in mind is that what would happen if things go wrong.

    I think Westside High School did a pretty good job on informing students about drinking. We had a program called ‘Shutter Dreams’. “Shutter Dreams’ was parents and students that came to talk about drunk driving. How they actually experienced and how they had to deal with it for the rest of their lives. Few of our students fully participate in the program. They spent a night in jail and hospital. They had a full on experience and we get to see how real everything is and how even when regret it, you can’t change what happened. I think school should have more of these types of programs, so students are informed and it might decreases the rate of accidents on alcohol.

    Drug- there are lots of drugs going around the school and drug using rate been having a significant increases. Teenagers openly talk about it drugs too. We now know that Marijuana doesn’t actually kill your brain cell, it doesn’t make you stupid, so people got less to worry about their performances toward things because it doesn’t affect them like what they thought it would.
    Sex- do we really get sex education in school? The answer is no. Do we get the information from our parents? The answer is maybe. Sometimes, when you talk to your parents about sex, they assume you are doing it. Sometimes, it is embarrassing talking about sex with you parents. Sometimes, your parents just don’t want to let go their little boy or girl and refuse to teach him or her about the safety of sex. This is where things go wrong. We learned about things when we make mistakes, but sometimes those mistakes affect your life forever.

    Lots of teenagers got pregnant over these few years.

    1. Education

    College- College is not so affordable anymore. More parties involved and less learning.  
    Drop outs

    1. Ethnicity


    1. Fashion

    Money- good thing about few is that they work for their money but most of them still ask parents for money
    Music- all the music we hear is mostly about sex, money, drugs, and gangs.
    1. Crime

    1. Relationships

    Love- people start to date when they were in middle school. Every generation has been growing up faster than ever. They knew things that
    Family- most people complain about their family


  1. Vicky,

    Thank you for allowing me to use your BLOG as a comment demonstration.

    Ms. B

  2. INDEX
    Grammar error: "Sometimes you just wish you know what’s in their mind? " CHANGE TO: "Dont you sometimes wish you knew what's in their mind?"

    "MOST teens give the similar", change to: "MOST teens HAVE similar..."

    "I have a very traditional Asian father, so my teen life pretty much just under lots pressure" change to: "so my teen life IS pretty much ALWAYS under lots pressure"

    Sometimes, it’s just really tired of how he still thinks old school, but time has changed, CHANGE TO: "Sometimes, i get very frustrated by how he still has an 'old school' mindset, while i am now in the 21st century."

  3. Under the Influence:
    "people been drinking" CHANGE TO: "people HAVE been drinking.."

    "high school parties involve alcohols" DELETE "s" in alcohol.

    "how even you regret" ADD: "how even WHEN regret it.."

    "Ithink more school should have this type of program" CHAGE TO: "I think SCHOOL should have more of these types of programs...."
